
主要 Sections§ mainSections 參數用於過濾頁面,默認為 ["posts", "docs"]。 1mainSections = ["blog", "posts", "docs", "notes"] Front Matter§ Front Matter is the place where we put page metadata and parameters, such as title, date and so on. Formats§ Hugo supports three formats of front matter: YAML, TOML and JSON. TOML: identified by...

Image viewer is an image gallery, it will be shown up when you click a non-linkable image.

It also provides many tools, such as zoom in, zoom out and rotate.

社交連結social參數是一組平臺映射到用戶標識的鍵值對。 其支持很多熱門的社交平臺,比如Twitter、Facebook、Reddit、GitHub。 本文列出了所有受支持的平臺,及其使用方法。